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Jumat, 19 Desember 2014

How To Installation of Natural Stone for Garden

Became one of the additional element in an important perspective of a building, along with air pollution and noise that arises in many big cities like Jakarta.With the garden is overgrown vegetation becomes very beautiful place to stay considering the plant is an obstacle to the entry of dust, absorbing noise and enhance the look of the house. Plants can be ornamental plants, vines, herbs and plant shade.

Tropical gardens create an abundance of charm that gives freshness to its owner by adopting a tropical rain forest atmosphere shady and quiet. Just look at the garden on how the limited space can be harnessed into a beautiful tropical garden. Blend of natural stone coral brush green and red colors with fountains and fish ponds can provide coolness itself for the residents.

Natural stone for the garden becomes a natural element that can be used for the construction of the park, with the use of natural stone for the park to be very natural. Especially if combined with some other types of natural stone with a matching color combination. Here in a few tips for the selection of natural stone for garden with its installation tips

Example installation of coral brushes for garden

Natural stone garden you can use pebbles as the trail, in addition to beautify your garden is also easy installation since only deployed on the ground in addition to the coral brushes have a choice assortment of colors such as coral brushes crimson, pink, black, gray -abu, green.

Create a path with coral also makes it easier to perform daily foot therapy with walking without sandals on natural stone. This makes the blood circulation of your legs become more fluent. Natural Stone Park dengankombinasi Andesite and Coral Brush

Example installation of andesite to park

Garden with natural stone can also be made with a combination of andesite and coral brush. The concept of natural stone installation is slightly different from the first point that we discussed earlier, because the coral is just as ornaments to beautify the presence of andesite are installed.
Natural stone garden gives the impression of a minimalist model that is a trend that is being developed in many big cities like now.

Natural stone garden with Andesite for Paths

Example installation of andesite to jalansetapak
In addition to coral stone, andesite can also be used as a stepping stone or a footpath. Concept installation of natural stone for garden here is made by using the andesite size 40 × 40 and mounted separately to the footpath.Decorated with flowers along the trail make your garden more beautiful.

Rabu, 03 Desember 2014

How to Sculpt in Gunungkidul Indonesia

Sculpture is a branch of art whose work tangible three-dimensional. Usually created by way of sculpting, modeling (eg clay) or casting (with mold). But as the development not only are sculpted clay. But the sculpture can be applied in so many media including the stone. This stone sculpture that is now being developed in the area of Gunungkidul Indonesia Country..

Gunungkidul is one of the counties located in Yogyakarta. Gunungkidul a land barren area contains a white stone, in this area we can find rocks that much. Conditions like these make people who are in the Regional Gunungkidul thinking of doing something. One of them is making crafts with sculpting techniques.
Stone sculpture is now not only an art but bmenjadi embodiment capable of being livelihood with high prospects. The stone craftsmen who produce stone carvings in the form of statues and ornaments in this Gunungkidul now more advanced and have a pretty good welfare. They were even able to sell products to the overseas sculptures.
Stone craftsmen in Gunung now increasing number and scattered in various districts. Among them is the District Semin, Semanu, Ponjong, Karangmojo, and Wonosari. Each craftsman has its own keunikanya that posed no significant competition between the stone craftsmen.